Star Tracks

How did he do that?

Making Tracks

Star Tracks is actually a stack of more than 150 photos. Each photo was shot in a time lapse manner, then reassembled into the image above. The video below is made from combining all the photos in succession.
I started shooting just after the sun vanished over the horizon. Each exposure was 15 seconds with a 15 second rest in between each shot. The elapsed time from start to finish was around 75 minutes.
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway near Waynesville, NC.

Click photo to watch video

Bonus photos

I used a small flashlight to trace the outline of my pickup while photographing the star tracks.

A shooting star crosses in front of the Milky Way the night before the total solar eclipse in August of 2017.

Total solar eclipse

Total solar eclipse

The area of North Carolina where I was living was right on the totality pathway of the eclipse. These photos were taken near Andrews, NC.

Diamond-ring effect

An unfortunate cloud happened to come along during the diamond-ring phase of the eclipse. Better luck next time, I guess.

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